a lyric and a song part 2

Recorded on 8/27/20. This is the 2nd part of a two part video. I share the acapella song We Could’ve Been Good. I was going to go with another one but came across this one first (hence the speeded up part while I was looking 😉 The question of the night was “If you could gift everyone with one skill, what would it be?” Stick around for the end to hear Transe & Hanna’s response.

Continue reading “a lyric and a song part 2”

15 minutes

one simple sentence 
using simple words
we're all screaming
we just wanna be heard
voices fighting
for the front of the line
voices fighting
for our time
it's 15 minutes
in the spotlight
make the most of the moment
make it worth your fight
we only get 15 minutes
to be remembered
don't let your legacy
burn in the embers
Continue reading “15 minutes”


 Hey baby, it’s cold outside
 I’m walking, my way is lit
 the garland shines real bright.
 don’t worry my scarf is on
 and in my coat I’m wrapped up tight.
 I’m on the prowl, out and about
 looking for a guy tonight
 Baby it’s cold outside
Continue reading “Jackson”

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