my favorite mornings

My favorite mornings are the ones 
where I wake up, sip my coffee and hum

Nina Simone's ‘It's a New Day’ to myself
because I am feeling good,
lucky to still be here
grateful for another chance
to make a difference
idk where the day will take me
but I’m curious enough
to travel to the outer limits
before I’m forced to reel myself back in,
for actions have consequences
and there is a too far to go, you know
by the time midnight strikes
I may be a little battered, buzzed,
slightly hammered
ready to regret a choice
I'm about to make
but for fucks sake…
He feels good.

Continue reading “my favorite mornings”

ode to Cohen

Hallelujah! You want it darker 
so do I, but first
Dance me to the end of love 
and cover me at Closing Time
in a Thousand Kisses Deep.

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